Sunday, April 12, 2020

The ending of a wonderful Project

                 As we conclude this journey from almost 3 months ago I would like to say thank you Mrs.Stoklosa for introducing this new passion I found for cinematography and everything that revolves around it. I actually enjoyed filming, editing, and the hard process to come up with a two-minute film opening.I've learned more about what it actually takes to make a movie and all the components surrounding it in this single 3-month project then at any other time. At times it really felt like I was an actual director for the movie. And it definitely has inspired me to find a passion under this specific category of work. Thank you Stoklosa for making me develop this passion.

Project Reflection


              First thing's first I had a blast creating this project out of nothing. Originally my idea was to film a crime/cop movie opening. Introducing a rookie cop who on his first assignment is threatened with a decision over life and death. A standoff emerged over this decision and I was going to film all of it. Eventually, I had a meeting with Stoklasa.

               She told me I needed a lot of actors, costumes, and good set design to make it look real. In my mind, I had already envisioned what I was going to film and the actors I would need. But most of the stuff I didn't have required a lot of money.

               Stoklosa had also mentioned that it would take a lot of money to set up so I made the decision to come up with a different film opening and I did. Then came the coronavirus. Virtually no movement out of the house. So we had to improvise on the situation we had. This project taught me to think quick on my feet for different solutions.I'm really happy I was able to be part of this project cause it sure made me busy in these difficult times. Although I'm still doing the final touches of my project (in the editing aspect) I 'm kind of sad the process is over. I definitely used all the helpful information Stoklosa had taught us, and it made my project better.

Filming shot analysis

                I started with an establishing shot. I wanted to use some type of ariel drone in my video, and I   did at first. But with the whole coronavirus pandemic in our lives, my parents were afraid to let me out to go and pick it up from a friend. So sadly I couldn't use a drone/ aerial shot in my opening. Now onto inside the house. I used a lot of close-ups and extreme close-ups. Mainly, these types of shots were used to signify important objects and achievements in the character's life.

              As the camera zooms in a focus on these objects we can tell who the main characters is, what he likes to do, what he's good at, etc...Then I did some tracking shots of the characters. I followed him around the house to see his daily morning routine to get ready to go to school. I, of course, added some long and medium shots to show I can use all of the shots that I have learned with the equipment I have.All of these shots combined have led me to create this opening. Sadly, I would have better shots of I had equipment that I needed from a couple of friends that had helped me before.But Stoklosa had told us to improvise so I did just that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Online meeting with stocklosa

As we pass through this terrible time at home , our teacher is planning to give us students some new information that Cambridge has regarding to the entire project since we cant go and sit down tot take a test anymore due to the pandemic going around.during this meeting she discussed a little bit more about grades , the project , Cambridge , and some other minor stuff. The project is still due the 12th, but not to worry I have the schedule set for that time anyway. Any extra days will benefit me in only making the project better.As the days go by , Mrs. Stoklosa will be giving us updates from Cambridge if they give out any new information. As of now i'm still working on the project.
