Sunday, February 23, 2020

Testing different movie fonts out

 Now to move on to the Font of my movie.Choosing the font of a movie is super important because when I watch Film openings or See the movie titles at the beginning of movies , If i see a title that I like it attracts my attention and it keeps me from turning off the T.V or just changing movies.


In The Middle Of February

In The Middle Of February

In The Middle Of February 

In The Middle Of February

So I chose these 4 to be the best options that I had. Although it took so much time to look through LITERALLY hundreds of fonts i found these 4 to be the most appealing to me. But I decided to go with the second font because in my drama/crime is a bold, serious tone throughout the 2 minutes of filming and its the most appealing and accurate to to what i'm trying to convey to my audience


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