Every good movie has some type of prop to help the movie look authentic and real to the viewer. So that's exactly what i'm going to do for my movie opening. I was thinking of getting a Fake gun from a prop store to help make a policeman in my movie look like a real cop. As u can see to your right this is the exact replica that I i'm planning to get. I'm also planning to put some type of paint or spray paint to cover the orange so it can look real. Its important the viewers cant see any abnormality to it because it ruins the movie. Also i'm planning to buy a a police uniform for the scene.Its important for movies to buy the right costume design so we can identify who's who and the actors can look authentic and appealing to the audience.
Next , I want to work on the schedule for shooting. I want to give myself enough time to get ALL the shots I need. Just in case i'm missing a few shots or I need a shot from a different angle, I can give myself time to get whatever I need to do before starting the editing process of my project. The following shows the schedule of the entire shooting process:
February 29 , 2020
Drone shots; any establishing shots I need to take its on this day
March 7th
Car moving shots; any shots relating to movement of car or inside of the car Its this day
March 12
Police officer scene; any shots involving the policeman I do this day
March 14 ( final day)
Final day of filming,any dialgoue is done this day between the cop and victim, i'm also planning to get any other shots we missed or need to do again on this day
March 18
Editing process begins; If by any chance I see that my movie needs more shots during editing , I go to get last minute shots
As you can see I carefully planned the filming days so I can have enough time for whatever I need to do , and if I miss anything i have more than enough time to film.
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